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Apex Trader Funding (ATF) - News

Blackberry Boosts Software Portfolio With QNX Containers

BlackBerry Limited (NYSE: BB) division, QNX, recently strengthened its software portfolio by unveiling cutting-edge QNX Containers. The move represents a significant advancement in container technology for QNX-based devices. QNX Containers facilitate the functioning and management of container technology on QNX-based devices. They offer a standards-based environment that harnesses the power of containerization while upholding the safety, security and reliability of the QNX microkernel model. The state-of-the-art containers restrict features, including networking, filesystems, device access, memory access, communications and CPU, prioritizing secure and isolated embedded containers without compromising the top-notch performance and hard real-time capabilities of the QNX OS 8. A notable aspect of QNX Containers is their ability to synchronize with the QNX Hypervisor environment. This allows the simultaneous use of both virtual machines and containers, empowering developers with flexibility in their choice of real-time operating systems and containerization strategies, per QNX. QNX further highlighted its collaboration with multiple customers who have standardized its Hypervisor and OS, and these customers are eager to leverage QNX Containers. Apart from adhering to the Open Container, QNX Containers support Kubernetes toolchains and Docker repositories. Also, the ...