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Apex Trader Funding (ATF) - News

3 Top-Ranked Efficient Stocks to Increase Your Portfolio Returns

A company with a favorable efficiency level is expected to provide stellar returns as it is believed to be positively correlated with price performance. In fact, efficiency level, which measures a company's capability to transform available input into output, is often considered an important parameter for gauging its potential to make profits. However, at times, it becomes difficult to measure the efficiency level of a company. This is why one must consider popular efficiency ratios while selecting stocks. These efficiency ratios are: Receivables Turnover:  This is the ratio of 12-month sales to four-quarter average receivables. It shows a company's potential to extend its credit and collect debt in terms of that credit. A high receivables turnover ratio or the "accounts receivable turnover ratio" or "debtor's turnover ratio" is desirable as it shows that the company is capable of collecting its accounts receivables or that it has quality customers. Asset Utilization: This ratio indicates a company's capability to convert assets into output and is thus a widely known measure of efficiency level. It is calculated by ...