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NYSE President 'Incredibly Optimistic' About More IPOs In 2024: Over $13.7B Raised So Far

The U.S. initial public offerings (IPO) market is experiencing a significant surge with an increasing number of companies choosing to go public, as stated by New York Stock Exchange President, Lynn Martin. What Happened: During an interview, Martin expressed her opinions in the IPO market’s surge in recent times. The NYSE Group Inc. has seen around 25 IPOs of operating companies on the NYSE this year, she revealed, Bloomberg reported on Monday. "I'm incredibly optimistic given the amount of proceeds that have been raised so far in the markets," she said. Following a slump in 2023 due to high interest rates and recession fears, the IPO market has bounced back. Two major deals, Reddit Inc. (NYSE:RDDT) and Galderma Group AG, collectively raised approximately $3 billion in March. The total funds raised in U.S. debuts in 2024 through late last month have exceeded $13.7 billion, tripling the amount from the same period last year. See Also: The Disparate Treatment Of Trump’s Fake Electors ...