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Securitas AB Interim Report Q1 2024 January-March

STOCKHOLM, May 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ --  January–March 2024 Total sales MSEK 39 260 (37 751) Organic sales growth 7 percent (12) Real sales growth within technology and solutions 7 percent (77) Operating income before amortization MSEK 2 357 (2 180) Operating margin 6.0 percent (5.8) Earnings per share SEK 1.84 (1.66) Earnings per share before IAC, SEK 2.12 (2.03) Net debt/EBITDA ratio 2.9 (3.3*) Cash flow from operating activities –15 percent (9) *The comparative is adjusted and includes STANLEY Security's 12 months adjusted estimated EBITDA. Comments from the President and CEO "Continued operating margin improvement in line with strategy" The operating margin improvement continued in the first quarter to 6.0 percent (5.8), driven by a strong performance in our North American operations. Ibero-America also developed well, while Europe was weak primarily due to challenges within the airport security business. The Group's operating margin improved both in security services and in technology and solutions.  Organic sales growth was 7 percent. Real sales growth in our technology and solutions business was also 7 percent in the first quarter, negatively impacted by the divestment of Securitas Argentina in July 2023.  The integration of STANLEY Security continued to progress, realizing further cost synergies although these were partly offset by operational cost increases from the ongoing system and support transitions that are progressing according to plan. Our combined offering is gaining increased interest and appreciation from both existing and new clients, which presents good opportunities for deeper client partnerships and commercial synergies in our business.  The first quarter is our weakest cash flow quarter due to seasonality. As ­expected, the operating cash flow was lower than last year due to the strong net working capital position at year-end 2023, ...